What is The Purpose Of Bongs? Elaborate it

Bongs, sometimes known as bubblers, bingers, or billies, are cannabis-smoking water pipes. They have existed for millennia. The word "bong" is said to come from the Thai word "baung," which refers to a bamboo tube used to smoke marijuana. Even though today's bongs are significantly more complicated than a basic bamboo tube, they all function in the same way. Purpose of bongs: Bongs come in a wide range of sizes and shapes. Some are quite basic, with merely a bowl and a chamber. Others are colourful, delicious works of art.They all do the same thing at the end of the day: filter and cool the smoke produced by marijuana burning. In the Cheap Bong s, a little bowl holds dried marijuana. When you burn cannabis, it burns. Meanwhile, as you inhale, the water in the bong's bottom bubbles (or percolates, if you want to get technical). The smoke rises through the water and then the chamber before reaching your mouth and lungs. Bongs are very affordable: Whatever yo...